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DEF CON 25 Hacking Conference


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DEF CON 25 News Roundup: Voting Machines Edition

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The #votingvillage we introduced at DEF CON 25 is still in the News - mainly because it’s being cited as one of the driving forces behind a growing shift in attitudes about the security of ballot machines.

In Virginia, the State Board of Elections voted to decertify it’s touchscreen voting machines in time for the November gubernatorial election, and one of the reasons given was the discoveries at DEF CON. We’re hoping for increased focus on security and accountability in our voting systems, and we are pleased to see the subject getting broader attention.

There’s also a very informative episode about DEF CON by the fine people who do all the ‘How Stuff Works’ podcasts. The first half is devoted to a thorough explanation of DC history and the second half is an interview with the wonderful Shannon Morse (@Snubs) about her experiences there as a human and in her professional capacities as a vendor and journalist. It’s from their TechStuff series and it’s worth a listen, especially if you’re new to the community.

The DEF CON 25 Soundtrack Raises Funds for the EFF!

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In case you didn't know, the DEF CON 25 Soundtrack is available on Bandcamp as a 'pay-what-you-want' item. All proceeds go directly to keep the exemplary humans at the EFF fighting for the users. So for a modest donation you get dope music from DC25 performers and that warm feeling that only comes from selfless do-goodery.

The DEF CON A&E Team also auctioned off an artist badge for $321. Add that to the current Bandcamp sales of $423.37 and our donation match and you get a current payout to EFF of $1506.

"But the EFF does so much!" you say. "Surely I can still contribute to push that number higher?"

To which we respond, "Yes. Yes you can."

Click that link. Get some tunes. Relive the sounds of DEF CON 25 and toss a little change in the bucket to help the EFF keep cyberspace free.

Do it today, and then make sure to pass it on.

Early Release Video - DC to DEF CON

DEF CON 25 DC to DEF CON image

Now we take you way back to July 2017 for a leisurely Q&A with two impressively clued-in congresspeople; Rep. James Langevin from Rhode Island and Rep. Will Hurd from Texas.

Ever wondered if there was such thing as a “hacker-friendly” member of Congress? We found some and convinced them to come to DEF CON so you can meet them too! In this first-of-its-kind DEF CON session, two of the most hacker-friendly Congress critters will join DEF CON for an engaging and interactive session with the security research community.

Join the Atlantic Council’s Cyber Statecraft Initiative for a candid discussion with Representatives Will Hurd (R-TX) and James Langevin (D-RI). The two Congressmen share their thoughts on the latest developments in cybersecurity policymaking on the Hill, exchange ideas, and maybe even answer some of the Congressmen’s questions.

As always, enjoy and pass it on.

Early Release Videos: Plore - Popping a Smart Gun, & Max Bazaliy - Jailbreaking Apple Watch

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Another couple of DEF CON 25 early release videos to brighten up your midweek, in which Plore shows you how 15 bucks and some hacker ingenuity can turn a fancy smart gun back into a regular old dumb gun.

We also have Max Bazaliy's brief but info-dense presentation about the Apple Watch. Max walks through the Watch's vulnerabilities and methods of exploitation and closes with a demo of a jailbreak.

As always, enjoy and pass it on.

Media Server Treats: Capture the Flag Edition!

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More goodies from DEF CON 25 have arrived on the Media Server! This time it's vast quantities of Infoz from the CTF competition. We've got results, services, scorebots and captures, all lovingly hand-compressed by DT for maximum potency. Please enjoy the caps in both team and organizer flavors.

In addition to the individual files in the CTF folder, we have prepared the whole enchilada in handy torrent format. As always, seeding is greatly appreciated. The data must flow.

Contest Results from DEF CON 25!

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Congratulations to this year's contest winners! The level of competition at DEF CON is serious, whether it's the DC CTF or the Tin Foil Hat Contest, there are many very clever, very resourceful humans vying for the honors, and we salute you.

The contest results page represents the current state of our knowledge. We'll update as additional info comes in - do not despair if you don't see the event you're looking for just yet.

We also salute all those who competed but did not taste victory this year. The distance between observer and competitor is much greater than the one between competitor and victor, and DEF CON 26 will be here sooner than you know.

Receipts, Presentations, and More, on!

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This year, you'll find all that juicy data on the DEF CON media server ( and you can connect at your leisure and leech to your heart's content with no silly plastic doodads to hunt down of when you're loading out your hotel room.

Anything you might have formerly found on the Con CD, as well as anything we post in the future in the way of Video, Audio, and updates to presentations will be there, so keep your eyes peeled!

DEF CON 25 Receipt

Torrents for Presentation and Workshop Materials: CON 25/DEF CON 25 presentations.torrent CON 25/DEF CON 25 workshops.torrent

Thanks for a Great DEF CON 25!

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Another DEF CON is in the books. 25 years, and still exciting and expanding. Still staffed and attended by a community of volunteers and enthusiasts who are passionate about improving our shared digital world. You can't really ask for a better anniversary present than that.

Thanks to everyone who brought their energy and curiosity to Caesars this year, to every one of you who took the time to teach something, to every one who brought something to share, and to everyone who made it easy for people new to the scene to find a home.

We hope to see all of you back at Caesars for DEF CON 26! We're gonna get on planning that the minute the dust is cleared from this one. Stay tuned for content updates, contest results and the rest of the press coverage.

As always, we are insanely proud of the DEF CON community.

We love you, and we look forward to doing all this with you again soon.

Mid-Con Press Roundup

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DEF CON marches on, Thursday and Friday are in the books. Caesars is still here, Vegas is still hot. For the curious, here's a sampling of the press from DC25 so far, to give you an idea what the world outside this casino is thinking about our beloved hacker party.

Cnet - Everything looks like a hack when you're paranoid at DEF CON.
Cnet does a good job of reminding everyone to take a deep breath and carry on.

Kasparov talks calculated odds, AI, and cybersecurity
Cool Q&A with the brilliant and highly entertaining Kasparov.

It's shockingly easy for hackers to remotely scan and clone your work security badge

Why DEF CON still matters 25 years later
Well, technically 24 years later. But we're glad to still matter.

The First Apple Watch Jailbreak Has Been Demonstrated At Def Con 25

Hackers Will Be Breaking Into Voting Machines This Weekend

Watch this space for more press reaction to DEF CON 25.

#VotingVillage is a hit!

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For a rookie, the Voting Machine Hacking Village is off to a very impressive start: consider the following tweets:

90 min after doors open: Complete remote control on the operating system level of the Winvote voting terminal (including election data).
On the e-pollbook front: internal data structure already discovered and reverse engineered within an hour. #VotingVillage

The Voting Village has a bunch of machine makes and models to try your hand at, including Sequoia AVC Edge, ES&S iVotronic, Diebold TSX, Winvote, and Diebold Expresspoll 4000. More importantly, there's a chance to make a little history here. The integrity of voting systems is a live issue in the world's news, and there are a lot of eyes on our little experiment. If your idea of fun includes a little paradigm-shifting, the VotingVillage is open all DEF CON.

In Memoriam, the DEF CON Conference CD

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Let's face it: this change has been looming on the horizon for a long time. When we started putting a compact disc full of slide decks and files into the DEF CON goodie bag, it was a perfectly good idea. In those days, 750 megabytes was a decent amount of storage. More importantly, optical discs were still a thing. Readers shipped with all the computers and we all had cool CD wallets and racks and whatnot.

The world has changed, and CDs are now a weird novelty item from the hazy past like Pet Rocks and Cassingles.

This year, you'll find all that juicy data on the DEF CON media server ( and you can connect at your leisure and leech to your heart's content with no silly plastic doodads to hunt down of when you're loading out your hotel room.

We will miss the Conference CD. We had good times together. We will toast to your memory, and pour out a little data in your honor. See you on the flip side, old friend.

Torrents for Presentation and Workshop Materials: CON 25/DEF CON 25 presentations.torrent CON 25/DEF CON 25 workshops.torrent

DEFCON 25 Pre-con Link Roundup

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It’s very nearly on, DEF CON fam! As many of you are already in the city getting situated, here’s a few helpful links to get your mind right for the impending festivities.

Parking information: Vegas parking is a little different every year - here’s the thread about it on the DEF CON forums.

For that matter, you can use the DEF CON forums to check out information about any of the stuff going on here.

In case you didn’t know, there’s an official app for DEF CON called HackerTracker, available in iOS and Android flavors. Open source and created with love by members of the community, and full of stuff like maps and schedules to help you navigate.

For those of you in Paris and Bally’s, good news! You get DEF CON TV! 4 channels, no waiting.

For the latest in presentation info and such, hit up the DC25-specific media server at on the internal DEF CON 25 network.

To keep up to date on the latest of the late-breaking news, follow the main twitter feed @defcon, the DEF CON info booth @dcib and Pictures and such also going up at @wearedefcon on Instagram.

And most importantly, registration opens Thursday at 6am. See you there!

Announcing the DEF CON 25 Official Soundtrack!

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The Official DEF CON soundrack has dropped! If you're here in Vegas, you'll get it on a CD with your registration pack, but if not, fear not, you can have it too!

14 tracks of hacker-centric tunes by so many fantastic artists, like:

Skittish and Bus, Laughing Mantis, Information Society, Zebbler Encanti Experience, JG And The Robots, Bioassay, Moderns, Left-Right, Ninjula, Richard Cheese and Lounge Against The Machine, The TroubleShooters, MC Frontalot, Lavos, Dual Core

It's available for free on in a handy torrent, or if you're feeling benevolent, in a pay what you want format to benefit the EFF.

Friends of Bill W. at DEF CON 25.

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Vegas is a lot of fun, but it can also be just a lot. Too much, even, if you’re trying to keep the horizon level in your windscreen. If you’re a friend of Bill W joining us for DEF CON 25, please know that we have meetings at noon and five p.m., Thursday through Sunday in “Office 4A”, on the promenade level. Drop by if you need to touch base or just want a moment of serenity. We’ll be there.

(See info booth next to office 4 on the map, if you’re having trouble finding “Office 4A”)

DEF CON 25 Data Duplication Village!

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Data Duplication Village is back for DEF CON 25, so don't forget to bring up to 3 6TB drives if you want to download the whole enchilada. This year's goodies are:

6TB drive 1-3: Updated archive of plus other "direct from DT" content

6TB drive 2-3: hash tables (#1-2)

6TB drive 3-3: GSM A5/1 hash tables plus remaining data (#2-2)

There's a handy schedule to follow and you can drop off and pick up just like dry cleaning.

For more info you can check out and the forum thread

DEF CON 25 Entertainment Lineup!

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Curious who's gonna be rocking the house in the wee hours of DEF CON 25? Here's a handy guide to the MainStage performers for all three nights! Enjoy, plot your entertainment journey and pass it on.

Just a little over a week! W00T!

*Richard Cheese and Lounge Against the Machine are performing in the Chill-Out Area, the rest of these performers are on the main stage.

Full-spectrum psychedelic bassquake - ZEE is back!

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Saturday Night, y'all!

Zebbler Encanti Experience (aka “ZEE”) is what happens when Pixel Wizard and Techno Badger meet in the woods and decide to short circuit neural pathways of the nearby mushroom pickers with nothing short of bassquakes (9.0 on the scale of awesome) and complete visual reality replacement (somewhat too awesome and terrifying to be numbered anything in particular).

That historic meeting in the woods is the underpinning of the very garments that ZEE now wear at every event they perform. The mere loosening of a button of their coats' pockets opens up a wormhole of psychedelic visions and sub-sonic rattles. But Zebbler Encanti Experience do more than that. They open their minds fully to each and every dance floor and ask you to Get In There!

Richard Cheese and Lounge Against the Machine are BACK for DEF CON 25!

DEF CON Richard Cheese image

Friday, in the Chillout area, please to enjoy the nearly-too-swanky-to-function  sounds of returning DEF CON performers (and DEF CON Soundtrack contributors!) Richard Cheese and Lounge Against the Machine!

America's loudest lounge singer Richard Cheese performs swingin' Vegas versions of rock and rap songs, "swankifying" popular Top40 hits into retro vocal standards. Imagine Sinatra singing Radiohead, and you've got Richard Cheese & Lounge Against The Machine.

The aforementioned DEF CON soundtrack is included with admission at DEF CON 25 or by donating to the EFF (url coming soon).

DEF CON 25 Friday Headliner: Reel Big Fish!

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For your DEF CON After Dark enjoyment, we present Friday's headliners, Reel Big Fish! They're fresh from their Beer Run Tour and ready to bring their trademark SoCal skank to the DEF CON masses.

In case you're not familiar, a bio snippet: "Reel Big Fish were one of the legions of Southern California ska-punk bands to edge into the mainstream following the mid-'90s success of No Doubt and Sublime. Like most of their peers, they were distinguished by their hyperkinetic stage shows, juvenile humor, ironic covers of new wave pop songs, and metallic shards of ska."

Sounds fun, yes? Yes.

DEF CON 25 Village Spotlight: ICS VIllage

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A small group of SCADA Ninjas are traveling around the globe, spreading the word of SCADA. Unless you are already operating a secret nuclear enrichment facility in your basement or an ACME factory production line, then this is your best chance to get a kick-start into the world of Industrial Control Systems. We are bringing a number of real-world industrial devices from different vendors for you to look, feel and mess around with.

We bring you a safe, yet realistic environment where you can learn on how to assess, enhance, and defend your Industrial Environment. We bring you real components such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Human Machine Interfaces (HMI), Remote Telemetry Units (RTU), Actuators, etc. to simulate a realistic environment by using commonly components throughout different industrial sectors.

You will be able to connect your machine towards the different industrial components and networks and try to assess these ICS devices with common security scanners, network sniffers to sniff the industrial traffic, and more! In addition to previous years there is a workshop dedicated to ICS 101 and 201. Afterwards there will be an additional but optional challenge to test your newly acquired skills.

Follow @ICS_Village or have a look at

New for DEF CON 25:
Voting Machine Hacking Village!

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"Just like everything else, it's time for hackers to come in and tell you what's possible and what's not."

-The Dark Tangent

Judging from the headlines, it's a good time to figure out how secure our electronic voting machines are. What better way, we thought, to find out what's real and what's hype than getting a bunch of real voting machines into the hands of thousands of hackers? We happen to know where to find a lot of hackers onthe last weekend in July, so we created the Voting Machine Hacking Village. We're bringing a bunch of voting machines and encouraging people to see what's possible. Let's test the physical security, try attacks at a distance, dump the BIOS, all of it. Knowing is half the battle, people. Let's do our part to add to the base of knowledge.

Read all about it:

Voting Machine Hacking Village on the DEF CON Forums

DEF CON 25 Schedule is Live!

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The DEF CON 25 Speaker Schedule is now LIVE! Please consult this schedule for all of your planning needs. For those of you who like to maximize efficiency, it can be paired with a venue map for optimal route planning and GPS programming.

We don't know about you, but we're getting pretty excited about this thing.

Web version:

PDF version: